CORAL - CERVEJA - On Draught Alcohol Content :- 5.3% ABV Brewed at Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira, Portugal Style : Pale Lager Appearance : The beer pours deep golden in color with a clear appearance and a persistent head. No lacing was detected. The head decapitates with time. Aromas : It has a sweet floral aroma accompanying sweet malt aroma of buttered biscuits. A light herbaceous character can also be detected. Flavor : The beer has a flavor of freshly baked bread which is accompanied with moderate hop bitterness. A beer has a very light buttery flavor (DMS). The herbaceous character is low and also supports the bitterness Mouthfeel : This is a light bodied beer with high carbonation. A light DMS could be detected on the palate. Aftertaste of hops are moderate. Overall Impression : The Coral Cerveja Lager is available in Madeira and also in different parts of Portugal and is one of the most loved and enjoyable beers of the locals there. Its v...