
Brewdog Dead Pony Club - Session IPA

Brewdog Dead Pony Club - Session IPA Alcohol Content :- 3.8% ABV Brewed in Ellon by Brewdog Style : Session IPA Appearance : The beer pours amber in colour and has a clear appearance. A medium white head is formed with a good head retention. Aromas : The beer has a fruity and herbaceous hop aroma. It has a moderate dry hoppy accompanying fruity aromas of charred pineapple, pear and grapefruit with spicy herbals caracter of low burnt rosemary and sage with some herbaceous notes. It has faint malt aroma of caramel. Flavor : Fruity flavour like pineapple and grapefruit along with strong piney hop flavors. It also has slight hints of honey like sensation accommodating hops.  Mouthfeel : This is a light bodied beer with a hoppy mouthfeel which makes the palate dry. It does have a bitter herbal aftertaste accompanying grapefruit bitterness.  Overall Impression : Being light bodied low in alcohol with hoppy aroma and fl...


BIRA91 - KOKUM SOUR BEER Alcohol Content :- 5% ABV Brewed at B9 BEVERAGES PVT. LTD Style : Close to a Berliner Weisse Appearance :  The beer pours light amber in color with a pinkish hue. It is clear in appearance with a small white head with poor retention. Highly effervescent. Aromas : The beer has a moderate Bready note of that of raw bread dough and low fruity aroma of Kokum. No hop aroma. Flavor : The flavor starts with a bready notes accompanying fruity sourness of kokum. The malt sweetness and sourness compliment each other. It does have herbaceous character. No hop flavor detected. Mouthfeel : This is a light bodied beer with a buttery mouthfeel which is pleasant. Crisp acidity with a dry mouthfeel. Medium astringency. Overall Impression : Surprise! is the word I would use for this beer. It has a pleasant malty and fruity combination. The use of kokum is a surprise because kokum in the local areas are ruby red in col...


BIRA91 - BOLLYWOOD IPA Alcohol Content :- 8% ABV Brewed at B9 BEVERAGES PVT. LTD Style : India Pale Ale                              Appearance : The beer pours amber in color with a medium size white head. It is slightly hazy in appearance with a medium to small bubbles. Aromas : The beer has a fruity hop aroma of tropical fruits like Mango and Pineapple. A light malt aroma could be sensed of white bread and light herbaceous aroma as the beer gets warmer.    Flavor : The beer has a fruity hop aroma of tropical fruits of mango and pineapple. It does have a herbaceous character with assertive hop bitterness. A slight alcohol warmth can be felt once the beer gets warmer.  Mouthfeel : This is a light bodied beer with a medium carbonation and dry mouthfeel. Astringency is high and the hop bitterness stay on the palate as the aftertaste. Overall Impression : A surpr...


BREWDOG - HAZY JANE - NEIPA Alcohol Content :- 5.0% ABV Brewed in Ellon by Brewdog PLC Style : New England India Pale Ale Appearance : The beer pours yellow in color with a hazy appearance. Opacity adds a shine to the beer with the color seem darker. It has a small white head which decapitates with time. A thin lacing could be observed. Aromas : The beer has a pleasing floral hop aroma accompanying tropical fruits like Pineapple, Guava, Starfruit and Custard apple. It has a sweet malt aroma that can be detected similar to wheat flour with a medium-high spicy, floral, herbal hop bouquet. Hints of sage and rosemary could be found. Flavor : The beer has a sweet floral flavor accompanying tropical fruits flavors of Pineapple, Guava and Starfruit which is high but not overwhelming. The perceived bitterness is pronounced. Herbal character of Sage and Rosemary is found. Medium malt flavor which gives the beer a body.  Mouthfeel : Th...


CORAL TONICA - STOUT Alcohol Content : 5.3% ABV Brewed at Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira, Portugal Style : Stout Appearance : The beer pours black in color with a tan head. A medium size head is formed but decapitates with time. Aromas : The beer has a sweet malt aroma accompanying mild roasted coffee and dark chocolate aromas on the nose. It also has a slight herbaceous character.   Flavor : The beer has a flavor of roasted malt which is not very intense. It has a dark chocolate flavor with a moderate coffee flavor which was balanced. No hop flavor but has malt bitterness. Mouthfeel : This was a full bodied beer with moderate carbonation. It has a milk like texture on the mouthfeel with a high astringency which made the mouth dry. Overall Impression : The beer is good and has a refreshing character. It is not very heavy on the palate but has a good carbonation. The roasted malt character is balanced and can have a lasting impres...


CORAL - CERVEJA - On Draught Alcohol Content :- 5.3% ABV Brewed at Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira, Portugal Style : Pale Lager Appearance : The beer pours deep golden in color with a clear appearance and a persistent head. No lacing was detected. The head decapitates with time.  Aromas : It has a sweet floral aroma accompanying sweet malt aroma of buttered biscuits. A light herbaceous character can also be detected.  Flavor : The beer has a flavor of freshly baked bread which is accompanied with moderate hop bitterness. A beer has a very light buttery flavor (DMS). The herbaceous character is low and also supports the bitterness Mouthfeel : This is a light bodied beer with high carbonation. A light DMS could be detected on the palate. Aftertaste of hops are moderate. Overall Impression : The Coral Cerveja Lager is available in Madeira and also in different parts of Portugal and is one of the most loved and enjoyable beers of the locals there. Its v...


SCHÖFFERHOFER WEIZEN  Alcohol Content :- 5.6% ABV Brewed at Binding-Brauerei AG, Frankfurt, Germany. Style : Hefeweizen   About the Brand : Peter Schöffer (1425-1503) the founder and a sophisticated brewer in his time with a distinctive taste and passion for beers. He was the first brewer to brew the wheat beer outside of Bavaria using modern techniques instead of the old beer brewing methods. Schöfferhofer beers became more popular in Germany after its advertising in 1978. Appearance : The beer pours orange golden in colour with a cloudy and tall fluffy head. The head of white foam that lasts for a long time leaving some impressive lacing behind as it goes. Aromas : Fruity esters of ripe Banana which is perfectly balanced with freshly baked bread aromas. A very good clove like aroma could be sensed accompanying light floral aromas on the nose. It also has a very light to none diacetyl aroma(buttery) which is somewhat pleasant. ...