Affligem - Blonde
Affligem - Blonde
Aromas : Strong Citrus aromas. Slight alcohol on the nose. Herbaceous notes of coriander and cut grass. Earthy notes of wed mud could also be observed. Hints of hop aromas at the end.
Mouthfeel : The beer is medium bodied. Clean on the palate. Alcohol warmth is definitely felt with Medium astringency. Aftertaste of bitter orange peel is felt with low hop bitterness that lingers on the palate.
Alcohol Content :- 6.7%
Brewed at Opwijk, Belgium.
History : In 1074, Six knights tired of their hectic world of the medieval period started an Abbey. They lived by the rules of St. Benedict.
History : In 1074, Six knights tired of their hectic world of the medieval period started an Abbey. They lived by the rules of St. Benedict.
There were hardships that the monks faced over the years. In 1956 the brewery was destroyed in World War 2. Belgium never gave up when beer was on the line. The monks collaborated with the brewery in Opwijk. Adapting 1000 years old ancient recipe to fit modern techniques & also keeping its quality & signature taste.
Appearance : The beer is deep golden in colour. A medium head is formed. Clear in appearance. Head stays till the end. Lacing is observed.Aromas : Strong Citrus aromas. Slight alcohol on the nose. Herbaceous notes of coriander and cut grass. Earthy notes of wed mud could also be observed. Hints of hop aromas at the end.
Flavor : Sweetness from the malt is dominant with citrus flavors accompanying medium alcohol warmth. Low hop flavors with herbaceous.
Overall Impression : This beer reminds me of the history and hardship that monks(brewers) faced over the years. This beer was nice and smooth with good malt sweetness with citrus aromas and flavors. Aftertaste of low hop bitterness and orange peel gives it the perfect balance to the beer. The alcohol surely kicks in and furthermore enhances your experience. Beer has a whole lot of history and Affligem reminds me what beer is all about. The only negative point I would like to add here is the pricing. In Mumbai its priced at 380₹ a bottle whereas in Goa its 200₹ which is a reasonable price. But for sure Affligem knows what they're doing and their beer is excellent.
(This is my personal review.
The content that you see is totally by my prospective and my beer knowledge)
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