Alcohol Content :- 4.5% - 5.6% v/v
Brewed at Effingut Breweries, Pune.
Made in India 🇮🇳
The beer pours bright yellow in colour with a moderate hazy appearance and a white head. A medium head is formed which despitates with time.
It has prominent yeast characters of banana esters on the nose with light malt sweetness at the end accompanying medium-low clove phenols and bubblegum aromas. No hop aromas detected.
The beer has an over rippen banana flavor which feels a little odd. Moderate phenolic characters of cloves and low bubblegum flavors can be detected which leaves a sweet aftertaste. Grainy malt sweetness can be detected which isnt that noticable since yeast characters are more prominent but is present. No hop flavors detected.
This is a medium-light bodied beer. High carbonation and crisp on the palate. Has a slight creamy mouthfeel. Low grain like malt flavors can be detected. No astringency found. Has prominent over rippen banana flavors which feels odd but has a good phenolic yeast characters of cloves which leaves a sweet aftertaste which is excellent for this style.
Overall Impression : The Hefeweizen from Effingut is an easy drinking beer. Very crisp and pleasant on the palate. I did feel like this batch had more of over rippen banana flavors which was alittle unpleasant in the start of every sip which wasn't the case with the previous batches. The perception on the nose is alittle different from the flavors that your recieve on the palate. The carbonation and the aftertaste of cloves and light bubblegum was very pleasant. I have been enjoying Effingut beers for the past 2 years and been drinking the Hefeweizen but this batch surely wasn't my favourite. The best way to enjoy the Hefeweizen at their pubs is in a Stein which I always do when I visit them. Cheers🍺


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